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Accelerated Professional Development, Designed For You.


Home: About Us

Unleash Your Professional Potential

At CHART Healthcare Academy we deliver state-of-the-art training and education to provide healthcare providers with the confidence and competence to deliver excellent patient care.

Our programs are intentionally designed to deliver effective learning, reinforced for real-world application.

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Our award-winning, customized, progressive training courses and certifications accelerate your learning, closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Community Centered Education

We all know that most on-the-job training happens through social interaction. That's why we've created a place where individuals and teams can come together to share knowledge, learn new skills, validate each other's progress, and find guidance to get through every professional twist and turn.


Our members connect with an active, growing network of professionals and leaders across the industry, and gain access to best-in-class online programs, interactive learning experiences, and live coaching.


CHART Your Own Path

Your online ExPerience is accessible anytime, anywhere, from any device.

We build individualized courses that are relevant to your needs and next career step, from beginner to expert.


We Bring The Experts To You

CHART Certified EP Coaches make learning come alive.


With hands-on exercises, case studies, practicums, and train-the-coach facilitation, our coaches leave a legacy of excellence behind.


The CHART Difference

 We empower our learners by building targeted training pathways via a personalized continuous-learning platform, accelerating professional development in a focused, relevant, and sustainable way.


Hands-On Training Meets Self-Paced Learning

Individualized training pathways are delivered via multiple device types to meet learners where they are, and when they are ready to learn.


Professional Endorsement


Our courses are endorsed by the International Board of Heart Rhythm Examiners (IBHRE), which supports the highest level of professional credentialing.


Learning Impact Evaluation


Pre-assessments, knowledge checks, and post-assessments are used to measure progress, confidence, and competence.


Live Coaching And Mentoring


Live coaching instruction reinforces competency, converting knowledge into skill mastery through motivation, application, and mentoring.


Community-based Education

Our continuous-learning platform connects learners to a growing network of professionals and leaders in the healthcare industry.

"CHART Healthcare Academy delivers training using CLASS Methodology – Continuous Learning Accountability Support System. Each curriculum is built to incorporate relevant training, blended learning components, and accountability measures, leading to a mastery of skills. Each program is designed to support the learner through a progressive learning path, which builds upon a strong foundation in order to move learners more confidently toward more complex concepts and advanced skills." - Docebo


Our Partners

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CHART Healthcare Academy Receives

The Brandon Hall Group

2021 Learning Excellence Award


“The online portal has brilliant resources, and the weekly virtual meetings gave a great opportunity to discuss our learning and learn from each other.”

CHA Certified Coaching / IBHRE Ambassador

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