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Writer's pictureAngela Murphy, BS, RCIS

A Team of ONE?

An EP lab team member once said to me, “I do everything! Nobody in here does anything!

WHAT…a team of one?

But when I looked around, I saw a group of people all working, but working independently. Additionally, a few still had a lot to learn about working in the EP lab. I observed those individuals, hiding their lack of training and confidence…and hoping no one found out.

I couldn’t help but offer some insight.

So I said, “Here’s an idea…what if you took one team member and taught them everything you do in a day. Teach them everything, from procedure setup all the way through the end of a case and giving report. Chances are, you may learn some things from them, as well."

We bring VALUE when we VALUE one another.

To break this culture, we must end the old way of working independently in a silo. Teams are led to greatness through collaborative learning and education. Leaders who employ a transformational leadership style will cultivate relationships and motivate team members. They recognize that each person on the team is valuable. Improved morale, team loyalty, and job satisfaction all precipitate from transformational leadership.

When a team is cohesive, everyone wins...patient safety improves and medical errors are reduced.

Transformational leaders recognize a team member’s ability and desire to lead and the value of providing training. Individuals are often nominated as training preceptors and assigned to each new team member. A preceptor steps into the role of mentor for new team members. The mentor guides their development and makes a newcomer feel welcome to the team. Not only is the new team member growing and developing, so is the mentor…ready to fill the leader’s shoes when needed.

READ BELOW: If this was the culture in your lab, what did you think the result would be?


  • Communication amongst team members should be intentional. Explanations for how and why tasks are performed. Don’t just say, “Put this grounding pad on their leg.” ...explain the WHY!

Alleviate STRESS:

  • When the team “shares the load”, we each go home happier and stress-free. Everyone goes home and wants to return…because they are part of a TEAM.


  • Leaders see future leaders and encourage their development as mentors. Mentors groom future leaders. Loyalty is the result.

Unified Front:

  • Teams care for each other and the feeling spreads…Empathy for patients, begins with a caring team.

Errors Reduced:

  • Cohesive teams look out for one another and ensure safety remains a priority. As a result, patient errors are reduced and lives are saved.

We bring VALUE when we VALUE one another. A TEAM is not made up of's made up of several individuals with varying skills and personalities, led by a strong leader who cultivates cohesiveness.

Read more about my learnings in EP Lab Digest.

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Angela Murphy, BS, RCIS
Angela Murphy, BS, RCIS

Hi, thank you for your comment and your interest in this blog. This is written from an actual conversation that I had with another employee of the lab. I was traveling at the time. The person took my advice and ran with it. It was as if I had flipped the light switch. They actually started answering the why and people understood what to do and so the person that felt they did everything could stop circling behind them. And I will tell you, it freed up a lot of time for them and it empowered the ones being educated - finally - who were the outliers who just wanted to understand. Also read my published research in EP Lab…



I would be interested in the resulting training materials / plans that came as a result of the conversation with your colleague. Over 200 views were made of this post. Readers, do you have similar train plans you have encountered for situations as these? Many thanks.

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